Peter Krein

Company: Boundless Bio
Job title: Senior Vice President - Precision Medicine
Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of 14th Clinical Biomarkers & Companion Diagnostics Summit 4:50 pm
day: Day Three PM
Panel Discussion: Novel Biomarkers to Stratify Populations for Pinpoint Accuracy in Clinical Trials 11:35 am
Revolutionizing stratification with novel biomarkers How will biomarkers for patient stratification differ as biopharma approach non-oncology territories? Deciphering the necessary steps to accurately validate biomarkers Stratifying patients based on clinical benefit and survival consistent with outcomes observed in the clinic Facilitating decision making from preclinical candidate nomination to clinical trial design to sequencing and combination…Read more
day: Day Three Track B
Chair’s Opening Remarks 7:55 am
day: Day Three AM
Development of an NGS-based ecDNA Detection Solution into a Clinical Trial Device Targeting Oncogene Amplification 3:10 pm
Delve into the development and validation path to transform access to innovative precision therapies Learn about SOPHiA GENETICS’ unique ability to harmonize data derived from diverse genomic instruments and deploy as a robust, standardized solution enabling a decentralized model for clinical trial testing Hear how the integration of ecDNA technology will impact the journey of…Read more
day: Day Two Track A